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Sales Assessment Predicts Performance, Engagement and Retention

Sales is a broad category which makes it important that your sales assessment is focused on the requirements of your specific job. Based on our job performance research, Harrison has more than 25 variations of sales assessments. Our different variations of sales assessments take into consideration the type of products sold as well as the degree of focus on prospecting, closing, or maintaining customer relationships. Each variation can be used for assessing applicants or developing your existing sales team.

Our next generation of sales tests effectively predict sales, engagement, and retention.

Our SmartQuestionnaire measures 175 factors in only 25 minutes which can be used in for any of our sales assessments in our Sales Assessment Library. You don't need to complete a separate questionnaire for each type of sales assessment.

Sales Assessment Library

Each category of the 25 sales tests below also has variations for sales supervisors and sales managers, totaling 75 Sales Assessments:

Assessments Related to General Sales Roles

  • Salesperson with Closing Emphasis
  • Salesperson with Customer Care Emphasis
  • Salesperson with Prospecting and Closing Emphasis
  • Telemarketer

Assessments Related to Different Types of Products

  • Sales of Advertising Services or Products
  • Sales of Artistic related product
  • Sales of Chemical related product
  • 18 more - rollover to expand

Customize your own Sales Test

You can use any of our sales assessments as a starting point and make adjustments to fit your specific job requirements. Our expert job analysts are always on hand to help.

Benchmark for Sales Success

Harrison Assessments uses artificial intelligence research to determine the exact factors that make your sales people successful. Our benchmarking technology not only identifies the key success factors and derailers, it automatically creates a complete assessment package based on the research results. A complete research report is provided including exact descriptions of success factors, correlation coefficients for each factor and overall correlation coefficients related to the success factors against your salespersons.

Assessing Mutual Needs

Each sales assessment measures the degree to which the employer and employee will meet each other's mutual needs and expectations. Consequently, it doesn't just predict sales performance, it also predicts engagement and retention - all while providing a superior employee and candidate experience. Real benefit is only achieved when mutual needs are met.

Questions? Call 330-354-6262
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